CAPRI model

The CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact) model is a tool for exante impact assessment of agricultural and international trade policies with a focus on the European Union. As an economic partial comparative static equilibrium model for agriculture, its core consists of two interlinked modules: about 250 regional aggregate programming models covering the EU27, Norway and Western Balkans at the NUTS 2 level and a global spatial multi-commodity model for agricultural commodities, which together allow calculation of a wide range of economic and environmental indicators.[1] A spatial downscaling component allows impact assessment at the 1x1 km grid level for EU27.[2] CAPRI is written in GAMS and steered by a Graphical User Interface realized in Java.

CAPRI was developed and improved in a suite of EU funded research projects (CAPRI, CAP-STRAT, CAPRI-Dynaspat). Past applications include analysis of different reform steps of the Common Agricultural Policy such as Agenda 2000[3], Decoupling (2003)[4] or sugar market reform (2005-2006)[5] and environmental impact analysis such as a trading scheme for Green House Gases from agriculture[6].

CAPRI is maintained by a network of different European research institutions and co-ordinated by a team at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics at the University of Bonn. Its main client is the EU Commission (Directorate-Generals for Agriculture and Rural Development and for the Environment).

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  1. ^ Henrichsmeyer, W., Britz, W., Heckelei, T., Meudt, M., Sander, R.: Konzept eines regionalisierten, agrarsektoralen Politikinformationssystems für den Agarsektor der EU: das CAPRI-Modell. In: Agrarwirtschaft Jg. 46 (1997), Heft 8/9, S. 322 - 324.
  2. ^ Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen, Britz W. and Li, C.: Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland soil in Europe Biogeosciences, 5(1): 73-94
  3. ^ Britz W. and Heckelei T.: Concept and Explorative Application of an EU-wide, Regional Agricultural Sector Model (CAPRI-Project) Paper presented at "65th EAAE seminar, Agricultural Sector Modelling and Policy Information Systems, Bonn (Germany), March, 29-31, 2000"
  4. ^ Britz W., Wieck C. and Perez I.: Impact Analysis of the Medium Term Review Proposals with the CAPRI Modelling System, published by the European Commission, February 2003
  5. ^ Adenaeuer, M. (2005): Modelling the European Sugar Sector - Incentives to Supply Sugar Beets and Analysis of Reform Options - PHD Thesis, Bonn University, 2005, URL:
  6. ^ Perez I. Greenhouse Gases: Inventories, Abatement Costs and Markets for Emission Permits in European Agriculture - A Modelling Approach, Doctoral Thesis, Peter Lang, European University Studies, Series V: Economics and Management, ISBN 3-631-55082-0, 213 pp